

May 2024 - Ministry Updates

Ismael Dora

2024-05-29 07:54:01

May 2024 - Ministry Updates

Thank you so much for your fervent prayers and financial support on behalf of our ministry in the Dominican Republic! We count it a privilege to have partnered with you to fulfill God’s calling on our lives. We want to inform you of our progress by highlighting some key aspects of what the Lord has done.

This past Saturday, I officiated a wedding ceremony. The couple has been living together for fifteen years. But the Holy Spirit opened their eyes and led them to accept the truth about God’s design for marriage and the family. Yesterday, I dedicated ten children to the Lord. These precious ones come from seven different families. Pray that their parents will train them according to God’s Word so they will not depart from the righteous path (Prov. 22:6).

Dear Brothers and Sisters, while our ministry looks good on the surface, it is not without challenges, the main one being financial. For the past two years, the Lord has used us to plant a church, a pre-K, and a Bible school, which operates in five locations. We minister primarily to illegal Haitian immigrants who are helpless and hopeless, so they can contribute very little to the support of the work. Therefore, we struggle daily to keep these ministries running.

Please ask God to show you how He would have you support His work. Right now, our ministry expenses fall on us, except for the pre-K, because our sending church pays the employees for us. However, we are still responsible for all the other expenses, including school supplies and uniforms. We thank you in advance for your consideration and pray that the Lord will fulfill the “good work” He has begun in you “until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).

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