

Ministry Updates with Pictures

Ismael Dora

2022-08-29 18:48:43

Ministry Updates with Pictures

What a mighty God we serve! He has shown us great favor and blessed our ministries in the Dominican Republic numerically and spiritually. We have seen His hand at work in our lives and are so thankful. He has made us glad, giving us several opportunities to minister to our people.

In July, two friends visited from a supporting church in New Jersey. They stayed with us for two weeks and helped us in many ways. During their stay, we held a conference in our church for four days and evangelized several times in Puñal. Our church members were grateful to have the privilege to fellowship and mingle with these men of God during their visit.

Early this month, we received a couple from Atlanta, Georgia. They spent an entire weekend with us. The man taught a conference for our Haitian people on Saturday evening and another one on Sunday evening for both Dominicans and Haitians. We praise the Lord for this integration and hope it will produce good fruits.

Two weeks ago, I went to Santo Domingo, the capital city, to teach a conference with another ABWE missionary. We taught on Friday and Saturday. I left Santo Domingo on Saturday evening to be able to preach the next day in our church.

For the past two months, we have been teaching a weekly Bible study on conversion, baptism, and marriage. Through this study and by God’s grace, four people accepted Christ. In addition, two couples who lived in concubinage for many years have decided to get married. Lord willing, we will perform the weddings on September 24 and have a baptismal service the next day. Both couples would like for my wife to be the matron of honor, so pray for wisdom in this regard.

Dear friends, we love you all and pray that everything continues to go well with you. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can pray for you. We certainly appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord and commitment to ABWE on behalf of our ministry. May the Lord fulfill that which He has begun in you “until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).

Ismael and the Dora family

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