

July 2022 - Ministry Updates

Ismael Dora

2022-07-04 11:03:23

July 2022 - Ministry Updates

Greetings and Happy Independence Day!

We are grateful that God freed the United States of America from British rule in 1776. More importantly, we are thankful that He had sent His unique Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to remove our spiritual bondage. We are no longer “a slave to sin” because Jesus set us free (John 8:34-36). Like the hymn says, “Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.”

Last month, the Lord blessed our ministry in Puñal (Santiago, Dominican Republic) tremendously. While we evangelized in the community, five women and one man accepted Christ as their Savior. They have been worshiping with us on Sundays since their conversion. We praise the Lord that eleven people have already accepted Christ this year through our ministry endeavors.

In addition, two missionaries from our mission agency (ABWE) visited us and spent an entire weekend with us. On Saturday afternoon, we evangelized together in Puñal and worked in two separate pensions. In the Dominican Republic, a pension is a shelter where underprivileged people live. One of the shelters has more than 100 people living in it, according to one of its residents. PRAY that our ministry will impact their lives both spiritually and physically.

Our colleagues visited our ministry location and attended church service on Sunday morning. They donated about 40 Creole Bibles and 12 study Bibles to our church members. The donation was timely and helpful as we had a lot of people visiting the church that day. In the afternoon, we visited the Bible school where I will begin to teach this fall. Overall, the visit was a real blessing.

Dear friends, we minister in a poor community. We have noticed that more than 60 kids and teenagers do not attend school because of their economic situation. Many of them are orphans. My wife and I met with them last Saturday, giving them snacks and praying for them. PRAY that the Lord will provide a big piece of land so we can have an elementary school and an orphanage for them soon.

May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly!
Ismael and the Dora family

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