

August 2021 - Pre-field Ministry Updates

Ismael Dora

2021-08-17 07:40:30

August 2021 - Pre-field Ministry Updates

Thank you for your continued prayers! We are currently at 70% of our required monthly support, thanks to your commitment and generosity. We can see God’s hands in every detail of our lives. Last month, we ministered to several churches in the Atlanta area. Some of them have promised to partner with us. Others would like to see us again to get better acquainted. All in all, we give glory to God for the opportunity of serving Him through our deputation.

Last week, we were supposed to attend an Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) retreat in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. However, while we were on our way, we learned about an incident in our home in Decatur, Georgia, causing us to abort the trip. We drove back to Atlanta from North Carolina. And by God’s grace, we were able to take the necessary steps to secure the house. Pray for the safekeeping of our home while we are away.

Also, please continue to pray for Haiti! As you are probably aware, another distressing calamity has occurred there, killing at least 1400 people (see the link below). We lost two friends during this tragic catastrophe. Although we grieve, it is not like those who have no hope. Since they knew the Lord, we will see them again one day.

As we think about the nation and all her sufferings, we remember Psalm 13, in which the psalmist David four times plaintively cried, “How long?” as he lamented his struggles (Psa. 13:1). Haiti has suffered from several calamities and has faced threats and turmoil both internally and externally. Like every nation, Haiti’s only hope is in the steadfast love and compassion of the Lord (Psa. 51:1). Therefore, my beloved, let us appeal to the LORD’s mercy to heal the nation spiritually and physically!

The Dora Family

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